Cerdded i Siarad Gyda’ch Plant: Yr Athro Meredith Gattis

Mae mynd am dro gyda’ch plant yn ffordd wych o’u cael nhw i siarad efo chi. Mae’r erthygl hon o’r National Geographic yn cynnwys yr Athro Meredith Gattis FSLW.

Regardless of where you’re talking to your child, good conversations begin with strong connections. “There’s decades of research showing that having sensitive, timely, responsive interactions with your child will benefit your child’s development,” says cognitive psychologist Merideth Gattis, a professor at Cardiff University in Wales who coauthored the 2018 study. “And parents need to employ a sort of Goldilocks strategy—not too much, not too little, but just right.”


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Newyddion y Cymrodyr